
Module: dggal
Class: DGGRS

Array<GeoPoint> getZoneRefinedWGS84Vertices(DGGRSZone zone, int edgeRefinement)


Return the vertices of a DGGRS zone (in WGS84 geodetic coordinates), including intermediate points refining the geometry of the zone suitable for accurately representing this geometry


zone  DGGRSZone  The zone for which to return refined vertices 
edgeRefinement  int  The number of refined vertices per zone edge (0 for automatic refinement based on the zone refinement level, resulting in more refinement vertices at coarser refinement levels) 
Return Value Array<GeoPoint An array containing the refined vertices 


Custom edgeRefinement is currently only supported for ISEA3H.
This function also adds extra vertices based on wrapping around the anti-meridian allowing to render the zone geometry correctly.